Sunday, April 21, 2019

Marking Period 4 Booklet Project: Countries, Nationalities and Languages

Countries, Nationalities and Languages Booklet Project

*Click here to view or print the handout to help you with the project

Due date:   Week of 05/13- 05/17    
Mr. Shi’s E-mail:
Mr. Shi’s Blog:   "Mr. Shi's Chinese classroom" @

For this project, you are going to create a mini booklet with 4 pages. ALL writing should be in BOTH CHINESE AND ENGLISH

Requirements for this project (check off before submitting your project):

 Cover page:
  1. Title: Either    Countries, Nationalities and Languages/Guójiā, Guójí hé Yǔyán
                                            or     A Diverse World /Duóyuán huà de Shìjiè
  2. Your name and Class number
  3. A picture symbolizing diversity.    Examples: a salad bowl,   a globe, a collage with many languages etc.

1st Page:
 Question for asking nationality in both Chinese and English.
 Answer for yourself (use hé-and if you use multiple) *Refer to handout Sentences 1.
 Pick a famous person who is the same nationality as you are and say “-- yě shì XX rén” / -- is also…” *
 Have a picture of that famous person AND/OR country map or flag representing the nationality.

2nd Page:
 Question for asking “What language can you speak” in both Chinese and English.
 Answer for yourself (use hé-and if you use multiple) *Refer to handout Sentences 2.
 Pick a famous person who can speak the same language and say “-- yě huì shuō… /-- can also speak…”
 Have a picture of that famous person AND/OR country map or flag representing the language.

3rd Page:
 Question for asking “What language do you speak at home” in both Chinese and English.
 Answer for yourself (use hé-and if you use multiple) *Refer to handout Sentences 3.
 Pick a famous person who speaks the language at home and say “--zài jiā yě shuō… /-- also speaks… at home”
 Have a picture of that famous person AND/OR country map or flag representing the nationality.

*You have to put yě/also in front of shì or huì, otherwise, it is wrong.

Project Rubrics:

Adherence to Project Directions
Project does a poor job of adhering to directions

Project does a fair job adhering to directions

Project does a good job adhering to directions
Project does an excellent job adhering to directions
Accuracy of information
Generally not accurate, has errors consistent throughout the book

Somewhat accurate, has large amount of (7-8) errors in writing or grammar
Generally accurate, has occasional (3-4) errors in writing or grammar
Very accurate information with no errors in writing or grammar
Appeal to readers
Shows no creativity, ways of presenting not appealing to readers
Shows some creativity, ways of presenting not appealing to readers

Shows good creativity, ways of presenting catches readers’ attention
Shows great creativity, ways of presenting very appealing to readers
No bounding, the product doesn’t resemble the format of a book/poster

The product minimally resembles the format of a book/poster
Clean, the product resembles the format of a book/poster
Appealing aesthetically, ready-to-publish-format book/poster
Extra Credits: 3 points for paper submission, 3 points for submitting project before Week of 05/13-05/17,  3 points for writing Chinese characters instead of Pinyin.

Sample Cover

Sample 1st page:

Sample 2nd page

Sample 3rd page:

Friday, January 15, 2016

Jericho Chinese Flagship Now on Facebook

Hi All,

Jericho Chinese Flagship is now on Facebook! Like us on Facebook to get announcements, news & events and much more! Please like, share and comment on our site! 

Shi Laoshi (施老師)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Little Moose's Penpal Letter in Chinese (Traditional Characters)

1. Listen to how Little Moose speaks to penpal. 
2. Replace the red part with your own information. 
3. Practice many times until you have perfect pronuncaition. 
4. Record your penpal letter in the Audio Dropbox on the right. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

三字經 sān zì jīng: Three Character Classic

1.Rén zhī chū, xìng běnshàn; xìng xiāngjìn, xíxiāngyuǎn.
2.Gǒu bù jiào, xìng nǎi qiān; jiàozhī dào, guì yǐ zhuān.
3.Xī mèng mǔ, zé lín chù; zi bù xué, duàn jīzhù.
4.Dòu yànshān, yǒu yì fāng; jiào wǔzǐ, míng jù yáng.
5. Yǎng bù jiào, fǔ zhīguò; jiào bù yán, shī zhī duò.
6. Zi bù xué, fēi suǒ yí; yòu bù xué, lǎo hé wèi?
7. Yù bù zuó, bùchéngqì; rén bù xué, bùzhī yì.
8. Wéi rén zǐ, fāng shǎo shí; qīn shīyǒu, xí lǐyí.
9.Xiāng jiǔ líng, néng wēn xí; xiào yú qīn, suǒ dāng zhí.
10.Róng sì suì, néng ràng lí; tì yú zhǎng, yí xiānzhī.
11.Shǒu xiàotì, cì jiànwén; zhī mǒu shù, shí mǒu wén.
12.Yī ér shí, shí ér bǎi, bǎi ér qiān, qiān ér wàn.
13.Sāncái zhě, tiāndì rén. Sānguāng zhě, rì yuè xīng.
14.Sān gāng zhě, jūnchén yì, fùzǐ qīn, fūfù shùn.
15.Yuē chūn xià, yuē qiūdōng; cǐ sì shí, yùn bù qióng.
16.Yuē nánběi, yuē xīdōng; cǐ sìfāng, yīng hū zhōng.
17.Yuē shuǐhuǒ, mù jīn tǔ; cǐ wǔháng, běn hū shù.
18.Yuē rényì, lǐ zhìxìn; cǐ wǔcháng, bùróng wěn.
