Thursday, February 26, 2015


Free Tutoring and Extra Credit Opportunity (linked on the left bar):As mentioned in class, if you sign up for the tutoring and noticfy me,   I would award extra credits depending on the amount of tutoring you do (preferraly on weekly basis and starting soon).

HW 1:  Write a short essay on what this week's weather is like in your area. You should include:

A. Temperature: how many degree (you can use either 攝氏or 華氏), hot,cold or others.
B. What kind of day (陰天, 晴天, 多雲, 雨天, 雪天 etc)
C. Use 3 “比” sentences (ex, 今天的氣溫比昨天低很多。。。)
D. At least 2 additional sentences talking about anything you feel is appropriate for the topic.

HW 2: Fill in the character chart at P 143-144 of Elementary Chinese.

For Next Quiz: I will give you examples of characters written not according to 楷書 convention (like we did in class today). You will be asked to write in appropriate way. Reading Chap 10 of Character book and writing on the workbook would help you with those writing rules.

            Qing ( 清)calligrapher Huang Ziyuan (黃自元)summarized 92 rules of writing Kaishu (楷書)by examing all major previous works of Kaishu. He provided four character examples for each of the 92 rules listed in his bookWikipedia Entry on 楷書九十二法

First page of the book. The top are the character examples, the bottom are the rules.

Third page of the book
Second page of the book

Monday, February 23, 2015

第七課 天氣 (2)

HW:  Exercises (1) and (2)
For quiz: review dialogue vocabulary

香港《文匯報》 對Bruce Jenner 變性消息的報導

演唱:劉嘉亮      作詞:劉嘉亮        作曲:劉嘉亮        編曲:胡力

Thursday, February 19, 2015

《那些年, 我們一起追的女孩》影評(film review)

       《那些年, 我們一起追的女孩》是一部台灣電影, 在2011年上映。這部電影在華人地區很受歡迎。 在香港這部電影更是成為歷史上最賣座的電影(highest-grossing film in Hong Kong)。

Direction(Post before Monday):To get 5 extra credits toward your homework, post a comment (In Chinese, one paragraph, about 3-5 lines) reponding to either one of the 2 questions.  To get 8 extra credits,post a response to your classmate's comment (on top of your own comment). 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

第七課 天氣

HW (Due 23rd): 1. Record the Lesson Text in AudioDropbox

        這老是下雨, 哪兒都不能,所以只好待在屋子裏。張老師說,在中國的南方, 夏天熱得不得了。冬天雖然不下雪,可是屋子裏沒有暖氣,所以又冷得不得了。她比較喜歡美國的天氣。她最喜歡的是秋天。秋天不冷不熱,又有好看的紅葉。我從來沒去過中國,不知道中國的天氣到底怎麼樣? 但是這個學期,上課的時候天氣總是很好,出太陽,可是到了週末,不是陰天就是下雨。真討厭!

HW 2: Make 2 sentences for each of 11 grammar points (p135-p138)

Next quiz would be on Monday Feb. 23rd. It is going to cover Lesson 7 Text vocabs and Text (P133-P135)

Monday, February 9, 2015

漢字 ﹣Chinese Scripts and Dynasties

Reminder: your next class is Wednesday,February 18th, 2015 as it follows Monday schedule on that day(See updated syllabus) .
Link to today's PPT

For the next quiz:
The 12 dynasties you need to know the characters and order of: 
夏商周秦  漢晉隋唐  宋元明清
The 4 scripts you need to know the characters and their corresponding dynasties of usage of:

HW: Complete Chinese Character workbook Chapter 9 :C. Writing Exercises (9﹣2 and 9﹣3)
Preview: Elementary Chinese P133-P135

Wikipedia Entry on Chinese Character:
Evolution of the character “horse”

                                                        哈佛教授的 “兩隻老虎” 朝代歌

Thursday, February 5, 2015

上中國飯館去吃飯 Dialogue

*1.For the next quiz, please review today's dialogue vocabulary (P123-P125).
  2. Please make sure that you have read Chap 9 of Character book as we will be going over it in our next class.

HW:  Elementary Chinese  Lesson 6: G. Exercises (3) (5) (6)  AND   H. Characters (請手寫!)


Tongue Twister

 Shí shī sì  yǒu   sì  shí
  sì  zhī shí shī   zi  ,
bù  zhī dào dǐ   shì sì
shí   sì  zhī shí  shī
 zi,        hái shì  sì  shí
  sì zhī   sǐ  shī  zi.

Monday, February 2, 2015


HW 1 Listen to the Lesson Text first. Then record the Lesson Text in the AudioDropbox. There is no time limit, so please practice before you record as it is accuracy that counts!  *Please submit the record before the start of next class, otherwise it is considered late. If you are having difficulty recording it here, please use other devices to record then sent it to my email.

        昨天是我母親的生日,我父親請我們中國飯館吃飯。這是一家湖南館子,他們那兒的菜好吃便宜, 我們常常去。我記我第一次拿筷子拿不好,很不好意思。這家館子當然也有刀叉。不會用筷子的人可以用刀叉吃中國飯。因為是母親的生日,爸爸點三個她喜歡的菜:麻婆豆腐、酸辣湯、宮保雞丁。我們都吃很高興。吃飯的時候我們也喝清茶。吃完飯我們又切蛋糕,吹蠟燭,唱生日快樂歌,祝媽媽生日快樂。

HW 2 Make 3 sentences for EACH of Lesson 6 Text Grammar patterns (1)-(5)  (P121- P123)
           This homework MUST be handwritten. 
*For Thursday's quiz, please study the character, Pinyin and English Meaning of Text vocabulary from P118-120.

所羅門·R·古根漢美術館(The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum)是一座位於紐約市曼哈頓上東城的現代美術館,成立於1937年。它是古根漢基金會(Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation)名下所持有的幾間美術館之中最著名的一間,而且通常簡稱古根漢,它是紐約市最著名的美術館之一。原先稱作"The Museum of Non-Objective Painting",古根漢成立以來展示了許多早期現代派藝術家如康定斯基皮特·蒙德里安前衛藝術品。
