Thursday, February 26, 2015


Free Tutoring and Extra Credit Opportunity (linked on the left bar):As mentioned in class, if you sign up for the tutoring and noticfy me,   I would award extra credits depending on the amount of tutoring you do (preferraly on weekly basis and starting soon).

HW 1:  Write a short essay on what this week's weather is like in your area. You should include:

A. Temperature: how many degree (you can use either 攝氏or 華氏), hot,cold or others.
B. What kind of day (陰天, 晴天, 多雲, 雨天, 雪天 etc)
C. Use 3 “比” sentences (ex, 今天的氣溫比昨天低很多。。。)
D. At least 2 additional sentences talking about anything you feel is appropriate for the topic.

HW 2: Fill in the character chart at P 143-144 of Elementary Chinese.

For Next Quiz: I will give you examples of characters written not according to 楷書 convention (like we did in class today). You will be asked to write in appropriate way. Reading Chap 10 of Character book and writing on the workbook would help you with those writing rules.

            Qing ( 清)calligrapher Huang Ziyuan (黃自元)summarized 92 rules of writing Kaishu (楷書)by examing all major previous works of Kaishu. He provided four character examples for each of the 92 rules listed in his bookWikipedia Entry on 楷書九十二法

First page of the book. The top are the character examples, the bottom are the rules.

Third page of the book
Second page of the book

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