Thursday, April 30, 2015

Public Holidays,and for Weekend

Quiz on Monday: Lesson 10 Dialogue vocabs

For weekend please: prepare for your Presentation: do the PPT; write up the script if you need; rehearse to see if how long your presentation will be.

*For 宇森, 婷婷, 凱文, 林錦, 詩詩, 小慧 and 美玲 please have your ouline of the story submitted on Monday to get your extra credit! I might have you guys present on later because I need to proofread your script!







Monday, April 27, 2015

第十課對話, 中國的省

HW: 1) Fill in the character chart at the end of the lesson
         2) Record Lesson 10 Dialogue in the Audio Dropbox on the left.

* 1) Please put in the comment section your topic for the presentation next week before Thursday!
   2) I will give everybody another chance to replace one of lowest quiz grade: Write one of 百家姓, 千字文 or 三字經 and give it to me ASAP.

Chinese Provinces Game

Friday, April 24, 2015

Taking CHIN 201 or CHIN 207 next semester

Dear All,

If you wish to continue your Chinese study for the intermediate level. You have the option of taking either CHIN 201 (regular intermediate Chinese) or CHIN 207 (intensive intermediate Chinese). Students currently taking CHIN 106 are guaranteed seats in those two course. If that is your plan, please email me ASAP with subject line titled "Registering Intermediate Class" and with the following information:
1) Your name (the exact name that appears on your CUNYfirst)
2) Your CUNYfirst Empl ID #
3) The course you plan to take (either CHIN 201 or CHIN 207) AND CHOOSE FROM SECTION 1, 2, 3, 5 (not 4, because it is for flagship)
4) Your email address.

P.S. If you wait until Open Enrollment, seats would be taken quickly, and you won't be guaranteed a seat then.


Shi Laoshi

Thursday, April 23, 2015

期末口頭報告:講故事 (Topic due 04/30)

HW for weekend: make 3 sentences for each of grammar points form Page 176-177
Quiz: Rest of Text vocabs

For the oral presentation topics, please type your topic in the comment section so I can make sure no 2 students are doing the same topic! After you have picked your topic, prepare a PowerPoint which will aid you through your presentation. Your presentation should be about 7-12 minutes and in Traditional Chinese characters. Try to engage your audience by incorporating elements that get them involved.
Target audience: imagine you are telling a story to a group of late primary students (4-6th grade) in China. They are not yet mature as secondary students but their literacy skills would allow them to understand most 成語故事, 諺語 or 典故.
Topic (chosen ones shown in red): 
You can choose any 成語 that has a story behind it ex: 畫蛇添足, 毛遂自薦, 牛郎織女,楚才晉用, 欲加之罪﹣何患無辭,退避三舍, 三令五申, 臥薪藏膽, 兔死狗烹, 高枕無憂, 遊刃有餘, 五十步笑一百步, 刺股懸樑, 完璧歸趙, 負荊請罪, 紙上談兵, 奇貨可居, 百家爭鳴, 指鹿為馬, 破釜沉舟, 項莊舞劍﹣意在沛公, 明修棧道暗度陳倉, 背水一戰, 四面楚歌 , 一人得道雞犬昇天, 投筆從戎, 舌戰群儒,洛陽紙貴, 信口雌黃, 東山再起, 世外桃源, 一箭雙鵰, 破鏡重圓, 桃李滿天下, 河東獅吼, 只許州官放火﹣不許百姓點燈, 東窗事發
Classic stories such as : 東郭先生, 劉姥姥進大觀園, 陳世美和秦香蓮, 南郭先生, 姜太公釣魚, 曹沖稱象, 成也蕭何敗也蕭何鐵扇公主, 孟姜女哭長城, 周瑜打黃蓋,萬事俱備只欠東風, 劉備借荊州, 既生瑜何生亮, 賠了夫人又折兵, 身在曹營心在漢, 過五關斬六將, 大意失荊州, 單刀赴會, 士別三日當刮目相看, 敗走麥城, 揮淚斬馬謖, 司馬昭之心路人皆知, 空城計, 逼上樑山, 武松打虎, 此地無銀三百兩, 莫須有, 花木蘭, 搬弄是非(紅樓夢)
Stories from classic Chinese opera storylines霸王別姬,穆桂英掛帥,孫悟空三打白骨精,貴妃醉酒, 活捉(崑曲), 碧玉簪(越劇), 蘇三起解, 二進宮 (advantage of choosing opera stories is that you can play the opera singing video).
Presentation duration: 7-12 minutes (Consult with me if you think you need to go over 10 minutes limit!


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Meet Female Film Directors from Taiwan starting Next Wednesday!

Dear All,

Starting next Wednesday, the Chinese department and film department would co-host a film series featuring female directors from Taiwan. You are cordially invited to this event. Please do RSVP if plan to attend Wednesday's event since large crowd is expected. 

To avoid interruptions during the film showing, we ask that you stay until 3:30 if you cannot stay for the reception.

All films will shown at the Chanin Center Screening Room HW B126
Admission is free!

Wednesday, April 29th 1:15pm
Director: She-Wei Chou 周旭薇
Fiction • 2012 • 86 min • Color, subtitled
In a small Taiwanese village, a traditional housewife arranges a marriage between her only son and a young Vietnamese woman. She wants her immigrant daughter-in-law to share domestic chores and bear a grandchild. However, such a simple plan leads to unexpected consequences.
RSVP to is encouraged.

Thursday, April 30th 3pm
Director: Tai-jen Wu 吳汰紝
Documentary • 2009 • 90min • Color, subtitled
The director interviews more than 20 couples and hears their stories after marriage, including peace and war, betrayal and forgiveness.

Friday, May 1st 3pm
Director: Yu-shan Huang 黃玉珊
Fiction • 1999 • 99min • Color, subtitled
In a small Chinese fishing town, two teenage girls who are best friends become torn apart when one becomes happily married to a stranger and the other is cruelly betrothed to the abusive son of a wealthy family. Seeking to free herself from a lifetime of abuse, she desperately looks for a way out.

Monday, April 20, 2015

第十課 《親戚》課文

HW: Record the Lesson 10 Text in the Audio Dropbox on the left
Quiz next class: Vocabs up to “飯後甜點”。

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lesson 9 Dialogue and Special Characters

Link to Lesson 9 Dialogue PPT
HW: 1) Write a paragraph introducing characters in your name.
         2) Exercises (3) on Page 169 of Elementary Chinese, and (5)Write an essay about 美國人和車              (150 characters minimum)
        3)Fill in the C. Writing Practice of Chapter 16 of Character book (16﹣1 to 16﹣4)
Example of Name Introduction

From top left: 八字鬍, 丁字路口, 之字路, 一字眉, 乙字管, 國字臉, 人字拖, 米字旗, 十字架

Monday, April 13, 2015


2.李大同有沒有答應王新的事情, 為什麼?

以及第九課 Exercise (1) and (2)

Quiz next class: Lesson 9 Dialogue Vocabulary

Thursday, April 2, 2015


A.Make 2 sentences for grammar points 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and make one sentence for each of bullet point in (3) 起來(3 sentences) and (5)把  (9 sentences) - (p162﹣164)
B. Fill in character chart  on Page 170-172 of Elementary Chinese book.
C. Filled in Part C of Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 of Character workbook, in addition, write each of the terms 5 times on a separate sheet of paper.
D. (Optional) This HW can replace your lowest quiz grade! Handwrite one of these three elementary texts in ancient China: 《三字經》《千字文》or 《百家姓》 (if you choose to handwrite 百家姓, please write twice to get full credit as it is only 500 characters, enlarge the screen if you feel the font is too small).

For your next quiz, you must be able to identify and write the characters for the 5 styles  of chinese calligraphy styles given the work of calligraphy and 4 tools of calligraphy writing(文房四寶). (Please go to for practice. You must also be able to name at least one of Chinese calligraphy master pieces: 蘭亭序, 祭姪文稿, 寒食帖, 多寶塔碑, 九成宮禮泉銘, 玄秘塔碑, 洛神賦 and one of 4 Kaishu masters:歐陽詢, 顏真卿, 柳公權 and 趙孟頫

文房四寶是: 筆,墨 ,紙,硯


楷書歐體 《九成宮禮泉銘》﹣歐陽詢(唐)


隸書 《曹全碑》(東漢)


篆書的第九課 《我的車》 

五大書法體是:篆書, 隸書, 楷書, 草書 和 行書(These fonts are next to 楷書 style for comparison)

篆書 (Seal Script)'s strokes are
more curved and even in thickness
you can still see trace of
Oracle Bone Script.
隸書(Official Script)'s strokes vary in thickness, 
 the characters are wider 
than they are tall.

草書 (Cursive Script) have
characters abbreviated and
altered to an extreme degree
that they are almost not legible.

行書 (Semi-cursive Script)
strokes are slightly connected and
abbreviated, but are legible for the most part. It's between 草書 and 楷書

楷書 (Standard Script) is more rectangular, has less curved strokes and strokes are distinct and rarely connected. It is taller than 隸書 and strokes vary a lot in thickness. 4 great masters of 楷書 are 歐陽詢, 顏真卿, 柳公權 and 趙孟頫, their wrting styles becomes 4 sub-styles of 楷書:歐體, 顏體, 柳體 and 趙體。