Friday, April 24, 2015

Taking CHIN 201 or CHIN 207 next semester

Dear All,

If you wish to continue your Chinese study for the intermediate level. You have the option of taking either CHIN 201 (regular intermediate Chinese) or CHIN 207 (intensive intermediate Chinese). Students currently taking CHIN 106 are guaranteed seats in those two course. If that is your plan, please email me ASAP with subject line titled "Registering Intermediate Class" and with the following information:
1) Your name (the exact name that appears on your CUNYfirst)
2) Your CUNYfirst Empl ID #
3) The course you plan to take (either CHIN 201 or CHIN 207) AND CHOOSE FROM SECTION 1, 2, 3, 5 (not 4, because it is for flagship)
4) Your email address.

P.S. If you wait until Open Enrollment, seats would be taken quickly, and you won't be guaranteed a seat then.


Shi Laoshi

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