Thursday, April 2, 2015


A.Make 2 sentences for grammar points 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and make one sentence for each of bullet point in (3) 起來(3 sentences) and (5)把  (9 sentences) - (p162﹣164)
B. Fill in character chart  on Page 170-172 of Elementary Chinese book.
C. Filled in Part C of Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 of Character workbook, in addition, write each of the terms 5 times on a separate sheet of paper.
D. (Optional) This HW can replace your lowest quiz grade! Handwrite one of these three elementary texts in ancient China: 《三字經》《千字文》or 《百家姓》 (if you choose to handwrite 百家姓, please write twice to get full credit as it is only 500 characters, enlarge the screen if you feel the font is too small).

For your next quiz, you must be able to identify and write the characters for the 5 styles  of chinese calligraphy styles given the work of calligraphy and 4 tools of calligraphy writing(文房四寶). (Please go to for practice. You must also be able to name at least one of Chinese calligraphy master pieces: 蘭亭序, 祭姪文稿, 寒食帖, 多寶塔碑, 九成宮禮泉銘, 玄秘塔碑, 洛神賦 and one of 4 Kaishu masters:歐陽詢, 顏真卿, 柳公權 and 趙孟頫

文房四寶是: 筆,墨 ,紙,硯


楷書歐體 《九成宮禮泉銘》﹣歐陽詢(唐)


隸書 《曹全碑》(東漢)


篆書的第九課 《我的車》 

五大書法體是:篆書, 隸書, 楷書, 草書 和 行書(These fonts are next to 楷書 style for comparison)

篆書 (Seal Script)'s strokes are
more curved and even in thickness
you can still see trace of
Oracle Bone Script.
隸書(Official Script)'s strokes vary in thickness, 
 the characters are wider 
than they are tall.

草書 (Cursive Script) have
characters abbreviated and
altered to an extreme degree
that they are almost not legible.

行書 (Semi-cursive Script)
strokes are slightly connected and
abbreviated, but are legible for the most part. It's between 草書 and 楷書

楷書 (Standard Script) is more rectangular, has less curved strokes and strokes are distinct and rarely connected. It is taller than 隸書 and strokes vary a lot in thickness. 4 great masters of 楷書 are 歐陽詢, 顏真卿, 柳公權 and 趙孟頫, their wrting styles becomes 4 sub-styles of 楷書:歐體, 顏體, 柳體 and 趙體。

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