Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Review Sheet for Final Exam on Thursday, May 21st 9:00 am -11:00 am (@ HW409)

The Final Exam will cover Lesson 6-10 and 小貓釣魚 of Elementary Chinese. The final will cover about one third of material from Lesson 6-8 and the other two third will cover Lesson 9-10 and 小貓釣魚.

The exam will run 2 hours and will cover the following:

1. Dication on vocabulary SINCE the midterm. You need to write the character, Pinyin and meaning of the words read to you .

2. Listening Comprehension (format similar to that of midterm)

3. Speaking: you will be asked to read one of the text or dialogue from Lesson 9-10, you will be graded on the accuracy, as well as the fluency of your reading.

4. Calligraphy Style and tools identification: when given any calligraphy work ( 字帖),you should be able to identify what style of calligraphy it is.  Make sure that you how how to write:  篆書, 隸書, 楷書, 行書, and 草書. Make sure you know to identify and write the characters of calligraphy tools 文房四寶: 筆墨紙硯。

5. Fill-in-blank: it will cover grammar points covered in Lesson 6﹣10 and 小貓釣魚

6. Error correction: you will be ask to write sentence in correct form. 

7. Translation :Majority of sentences will be picked from the textbook and the rest will be from PPT we covered in class. (Lesson 6﹣10 and 小貓釣魚)
Lesson 6 PPTLesson 7 PPTLesson 8 PPT

Lesson 9 PPT 1,  Lesson 9 DialogueLesson 10 (1)Lesson 10 (2)Lesson 10

8. Essay topic will be one of following
1)What do Americans do  on Thanksgiving 美國人感恩節做什麼?
2)Americans and Automobiles 美國人和車
9. Extra Credit: There will be 3 extra credit on the exam. Materials would be drawn from contents on this blog since the beginning of the semester.

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