Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Radical Lesson 2: "Body Radicals"--人(亻), 女, 心 (忄), 口, 言 (讠), 肉(月), 手(扌), 足

Course: Chinese 1            Unit: Radicals          Date: Wednesday, 10/29/2014 
Lesson 2:  "Body Radicals" 
                        -- 人(亻), ,   (),  , 言 (讠), (),  手(扌,

Link to PowerPoint
HW1: Finish characters practice sheet 

HW2: Make 8 radical cards with radicals, Pinyin, meaning and character examples in them.
Please make a correction on your HANDOUT on Pinyin of “言” its "yán" , not "huo"

HW3: Make flashcard for those Words
*How to ask and answer question about name?
A你 叫 什 么 名 字                                           B: 我 叫
                jiào  shén me míng                                      jiào… 
            You called what         name                                                     I’m   called…

*The Wu Xing, ( wŭ xíng) also known as the Five ElementsFive Phases, the Five Agents, the Five MovementsFive Processes, and the Five Steps/Stages, is a fivefold conceptual scheme that many traditional Chinese fields used to explain a wide array of phenomena.

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