Monday, November 10, 2014

a,o,e-starting Compound-final Syllables

Some suggested names for your characters book
 (Simplified                          /Traditional):
我的汉字书 /我的漢字書My Chinese Character Book)
汉字简介/漢字簡介 (Character Introduction)
什么是汉字/什麼是漢字(What are Chinese Characters?)
中国文字/中國文字(Chinese Written Language)
汉字图画书/漢字圖畫書 (Hanzi Picture Book)
others:自然 nature,动物/動物 animal, 植物 plants, 仓颉/ 倉頡 Creator of Chinese Characters,
美国/美國 America, 亚洲研究双文高中/亞洲研究雙文高中 HS for Dual Language and Asian Studies, 纽约/紐約 New York

Link to PPT (a-starting compound finals)
Link to PPT (o,e-starting compound final syllables)

曹操 (Cáo Cāo, 155 CE - 220 CE) 

The saying 说曹操,曹操到 shuō Cáo Cāo, Cáo Cāo dào

(or 说曹操, 曹操就到)is Chinese equivalence of “Speak of the devil (and he appears)",  meaning somebody suddenly appears as you mention his/her name.

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