Friday, November 21, 2014

Using “有” for Time Periods

Link to PPT

New words:
个 : the most common Chinese measure words: could be used with variety of nouns like person, month, week, ex: 一个月, 一个人, 一个学生, 一个老师,second most common measure word:只 (for animals)
年: year

一年有十二个月。One year has 12 months.
一年有五十二个星期。One year has 52 weeks.
一年有三百六十五天。One year has 365 days.
一个月有三十天。One month has 30 days.
一个月有四个星期。One month has 4 weeks.
一个星期有七天。One week has 7 days.

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