Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Countries and Nationalities 国家和国籍

Course: Chinese 1   Unit: Countries and Languages    
Date: Wed, 12/17/14 Lesson: Countries and Nationalities
Link to PPT 1
Link to PPT 2

*The country names in Chinese are generally translated based on the pronunciation of that country’s language. There are limited number of countries whose names include the word in them. These include 美国(U.S. ) , 中国(China),法国(France ) ,英国(U.K.) ,  德国 Germany) , 韩国(S. Koreaand 泰国(Thailand )。

Q: 这是哪个国家?(This is which country?) or 这是哪里?(This is where? )
A: 这是美国。(This is the U.S.)

National Flag
Q:  这是哪国国旗?(This is which country’s national flag
A:  这是法国国旗。(This is French national flag

Q: 你是哪国人?(You are which country’s person?)
A: 我是韩国人。(I am a Korean person

俄罗斯è luó : Russia    法国 guó France
韩国hán guó:  Korea        加拿大jiā Canada
美国měi guó: U.S.A        墨西哥 xī gē:  Mexico
印度yìn dù India          英国yīng guóUK
日本rì běn: Japan             中国zhōng guó: China
国家 guó jiā: country       国旗 guó qí: national flag
哪个 nǎ gè: which (one)   哪里nǎ lǐ: where

很高兴认识你 hěn gāo xìng rèn shí nǐ: Nice to meet you!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Basic Conversation Phrases

Course: Chinese 1         Unit: Nationality        
Date: Monday, 12/15/2014  Lesson: Basic Greeting Review

Listen to the Youtube video Beginner Conversational Chinese - Phrases on Chinese Greetings”,  practice several times before recording the following paragraph

*Literal translation of basic conversation phrases:
你好!:“You good                    谢谢!:Thanks
不客气 :“don’t be(不) courteous (客气)”
对不起: “Unable (不起)  to face(对)” – Cannot face you
没关系: Doesn’t matter”           早上好:“morning good
晚上好:evening good             晚安:night peaceful

再见: again see-see youagain

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Family and Grade Unit Review Sheet for Test on Monday

Mock test questions
Part 1. Listen for the prompt and question then select the answer
1. Jane 今年三十岁。 Q: Jane 几岁?
    1.   A. Jane 13 B. Jane 30 C. Jane 10
2. 我二十六岁。 Q: 施老师几岁?
    A. 施老师24岁 B. 施老师25岁  C. 施老师26岁
3. Ian 家有爸爸, 妈妈, 两个姐姐和他。Q: Ian  家有几个人?
   A. Ian 14 岁  B. Ian 家有3个人   C. Ian 家有5个人
4. Chinese high school
   A. 美国大学    B. 中国高中   C. 美国高中
5. Ryan 上哈佛大学。Q. Ryan 是什么学生
  A. Ryan 是大学生    B. Ryan 是中学生  C. Ryan 是小学生?

Part 2. Write down the answer in Chinese 
1. 你的家有几个人?________________________
2. 你几岁?________________________________
3. 你是什么学生?____________________________
4. I have one dog_____________________________

Part 3. Write down english meaning.

Part 4 Write the Self-introduction essay 

Family and Grade Unit Review Sheet for Test on December  15th, 2014
*MW= measure word      QW= question word

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Comparison of Grade Levels in China and the U.S.

Course: Chinese 1      Unit: School Level      
Date: Wednesday, 12/10/2014 

Lesson:  Comparing Grade Level in China and the U.S.

Question: 你上什么学校?(Literally you attend what school
Answer: 我上哈佛大学。(I attend Harvard University

Question:你上初几?(You attend junior high what level?)
Answer:     我上初一。(I attend junior high Level one)

Question:你是大几学生?(What year are you in CollegeLiterally,“you are college what level student?” )
Answer : 我是大三学生(I am a junior in College

中国zhōng guó : China
美国 měi guó : America
小学xiǎo xué: elementary school
中学 zhōng xué: secondary school
初中chū zhōng: Junior High
高中:gāo zhōng: high school
大学: dà xué: college
老师lǎo shī: teacher
学生xué shēng: student
学校xué xiào: school

Self-introduction essay on the test on Monday

In your essay please include the following information: your name, age, birthday, grade and family size and 2 additional sentences that can be family member information, pet information or name, age, birthday, grade information of your family members. 7 sentences in total.
      大家好。 我叫Emily。我十五。 我的生日是七月十五号。 我上高中一年。我的家有四个人。 有爸爸, 妈妈, 姐姐和我。 我家没有物。我姐姐二十岁。她叫Mary, 她的生日是。。。