Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Countries and Nationalities 国家和国籍

Course: Chinese 1   Unit: Countries and Languages    
Date: Wed, 12/17/14 Lesson: Countries and Nationalities
Link to PPT 1
Link to PPT 2

*The country names in Chinese are generally translated based on the pronunciation of that country’s language. There are limited number of countries whose names include the word in them. These include 美国(U.S. ) , 中国(China),法国(France ) ,英国(U.K.) ,  德国 Germany) , 韩国(S. Koreaand 泰国(Thailand )。

Q: 这是哪个国家?(This is which country?) or 这是哪里?(This is where? )
A: 这是美国。(This is the U.S.)

National Flag
Q:  这是哪国国旗?(This is which country’s national flag
A:  这是法国国旗。(This is French national flag

Q: 你是哪国人?(You are which country’s person?)
A: 我是韩国人。(I am a Korean person

俄罗斯è luó : Russia    法国 guó France
韩国hán guó:  Korea        加拿大jiā Canada
美国měi guó: U.S.A        墨西哥 xī gē:  Mexico
印度yìn dù India          英国yīng guóUK
日本rì běn: Japan             中国zhōng guó: China
国家 guó jiā: country       国旗 guó qí: national flag
哪个 nǎ gè: which (one)   哪里nǎ lǐ: where

很高兴认识你 hěn gāo xìng rèn shí nǐ: Nice to meet you!

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