Monday, December 8, 2014

Grade Level

Course: Chinese 1       Unit: School Level      Date: Monday, 12/08/2014 
Lesson:  What grade are you in? 你上几年级?
Question: 你上几年级?( Literally, you attend what grade?)
Answer:   我上九年级。(Literally I attend 9th Grade)

Question:你上高中几年级?or你上高几?(高几is shortened from 高中几年级)
Answer  我上高中一年级 。or 我上高一?(Literally I attend high school first grade。 高一is abbreviated from 高中一年级)

Question: 你上什么学校?(Literally you attend what school
Answer: 我上亚洲研究双文高中.I attend DLAS high school

*Again 你上几年级? or 你上什么学校are following Subject+Verb+Object structure. 你(S) 上(V) 几年级(O). and 你(S) 上(V) 什么学校(O).

*In China, school system is uniform. There are 6 grades in elementary school (小学) 6 grades in secondary schools (中学), 3 grades within each of two types of secondary schools junior high (初中chū zhōng) and high school (高中, gāo zhōng). China currently has 9-year compulsory education. From Grade 1 to Grade 12 in China:  一年级, 二年级, 三年级, 四年级, 五年级, 六年级, 初一(初中一年级), 初二, 初三, 高一(高中一年级), 高二and高三。

shàng : attend
年级 nián jí : grade
什么 shén me: what
学校 xué xiào : school
高中 gāo zhōng : high school

*亚洲研究双文高中: yǎ zhōu yán jiū shuāng wén gāo zhōng: High School for Dual Language and Asian Studies

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