Your HW is to record Lesson 9 Text. Please practice several times before you record it as you will be graded on the fluency as well as pronunciation.
Quiz for next class: Lesson 9 Vocabs and how to use 多
The concept of 5 classics (五經) was formed as early as Han dynasty (漢朝). The official order is 《詩經》、《尚書》、《禮記》、《易經》、《春秋》 (詩書禮易春秋). The concept of 4 books (四書)was formed by Song (宋)scholar Zhu Xi (朱熹) . The offical order is 《大學》、《中庸》、《論語》和《孟子》
The genre of novel did not become popular until Ming dynasty (明朝). All Four Great Classical Novels (四大名著)《三國演義》、《西遊記》、《水滸傳》《紅樓夢》were completed during Ming or Qing Dynasty . Each period has its own genre that it is famous for: 先秦散文,漢賦,唐詩, 宋詞, 元曲, 明清小說 (Pre-Qin Essay, Han Fu, Tang poetry, Song Ci, Yuan Drama and Ming Qing Novels).