Thursday, March 12, 2015


                                Taiwan's Cloud Gate Dance Theater's (雲門舞集)cursive writing dance

HW: Fill in characters table at the end of Chapter 8.
        Preview 小貓釣魚

Radical on the top: 木, 彳 (chi4),手 
Radical on the bottom:水, 辵 (chuo4)足

2008 Beijing Olympic Pictograms

Cursive script (simplified Chinese草书traditional Chinese草書pinyincǎoshū), often mistranslated as Grass script (see Names below), is a style of Chinese calligraphy. Cursive script is faster to write than other styles, but difficult to read for those unfamiliar with it. It functions primarily as a kind of shorthand script or calligraphic style. People who can read standard or printed forms of Chinese may not be able to comprehend this script at all.



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