Thursday, March 19, 2015

Review Sheet for Midterm Exam on Thursday, March 26th

* After consulting with other teachers, I have decided to put off the first two parts of the exam, dictation and listening comprehension,  until Monday so you can have enough time to complete the rest of the exam. Please arrive on time Thursday as we would start the exam at 8:10 a.m. SHARP. 

Review Sheet for Mid-term Exam (Lesson 6, 7 and  8)

1. Dictation on vocabulary (from Lesson 6, 7, 8 Text and dialogue vocabs), including the character writing, Pinyin

2. Listening comprehension: listening to short passages and multiple choice

3. Speaking: you will be asked to read one of the text and dialogue, you will be graded on the  accuracy, as well as the fluency of reading. 

4.  18 Radicals you need to know the writing, variant form, Pinyin, meaning and at least 3   character examples of  食,口,手,力,足,心,日,金,  雨,木,水,  竹,示,火,彳,     

5. Kaishu (楷書 )writing convention. As we did on the quiz, you will be ask to correct erroneous writing form  and write why it is wrong.

6. Fill-in-blank: it will cover grammar points covered in Lesson 6, 7 , 8 

7. Error correction: you will be ask to write sentence in correct form. 

8. Translation :Majority of sentences will be picked from the text book and the rest will be from PPT we covered in class.
Lesson 6 PPTLesson 7 PPTLesson 8 PPT

9. Essay topic will be one of following1)Talk about your weekend plan  2)Talk about New York's weather. 3) Talk about you exercise pattern. 
10. Extra Credit: There will be 3 extra credit on the exam. Materials would be drawn from contents on this blog since the beginning of the semester.

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