Monday, March 16, 2015


*Midterm is next Thursday (3/26,  see revised syllabus), a review sheet will be posted before this Friday.

HW: Please rewrite the story in narrative format. Try to narrate the story based on what's happened in the video not the text as some details are not captured in the text. You need to do the following in your essay:
(1) Handwriting at least 150 characters (traditional Chinese characters as usual).
(2) You capture the gist of the story meaning no major plot development is missing.
(3) Try to keep "Who says, "... ..."  (#說:“。。。”)sentences to minimum as that would allow you to copy exactly what is in the textbook.
(4) Use sentence connectors and adverbs such as 然後, 以前, 之前, 以後, 之後,再, 剛開始,最後。
(5) Write a sentence or two telling the moral of the story. You could use lines such as 這個故事告訴我們:or 這個故事的寓意(moral)是:
(6) You could use common Chinese story starter: 很久很久以前 or 有一天。。。
(7) You are encouraged to use 成語: 一心一意, 三心二意 in this story.

You will be graded on grammar, characters writing, flow of the story, completeness of the plot and use of descriptive language.

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